Category Archives: DIY Decor and Gifts

Crafty Christmas Cheer!

Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas season is officially in full force! There are so many things I love about Christmas – decorating the house, spending time with loved ones, baking festive treats… the list goes on! Christmas is not the most wonderful time of year, however, to be gallivanting through mall parking lots. For those who braved Black Friday and have presents wrapped and under the tree, bravo! For the rest of us, the thought of having only two weekends left before Christmas elicits both excitement and anxiety. Don’t stress! If you are looking for thoughtful gift ideas that are sure to be a hit with anyone on your list, you have come to the right place.

Whether you are sending presents across the country or spreading Christmas cheer to your neighbors, follow the steps below to add a little TLC to any gift this holiday season.


What better way to spread Christmas cheer than with a homemade Christmas ornament!? Use cookie cutters and stamps to personalize the ornaments, and finish the design with paint and a glaze. These ornaments make great gifts on their own, or they can be attached to the bow of any present as a gift tag. Either way, they are sure to be hanging front and center on the tree in no time!


Baked goods always make great gifts around the holidays. Spice up your favorite cake or bread recipe by trading in your pyrex dish for mason jars! Baking treats in these jars will preserve them longer, so they can be enjoyed by loved ones near or far. Decorate the jars with bows or tie an ornament around the cap for an added festive touch!



Last Christmas, I found an amazing toffee recipe online, and knew that it would make the perfect gift for my family and friends. Although there are a plethora of Christmas tins available in any craft store, I thought it would be fun to paint them myself! Whether you are making cookies, toffee, or just want to use the tin as a gift box, a painted tin can be the perfect way to personalize your gift and add a homemade touch.

No-Sew Throw Blanket


How to Make a No-Sew Throw Blanket

What you will need: Two pieces of fleece fabric (3 yards each), rotary cutter, scissors, measuring tape (Optional: Extra fleece to create appliqué, sewing machine, exacto knife, painter’s tape)

At any fabric store, you will find rows upon rows of fleece fabric bolts in all colors and designs. Choose two that fit the style of your home, or represent your favorite team, and create an easy no-sew throw blanket to accent any living area or bedroom. Of course, there is always the chance (or likelihood, in my case) that these countless options won’t quite fit what you are looking for, but you can customize this throw even further by creating and attaching your own appliqués. For the blanket shown throughout this post, I used two different fleece designs with similar stretch, and sewed a homemade University of Wisconsin logo to one side for my favorite Badger. Follow the steps below to make your own no-sew, no tie fleece blanket and a custom fleece logo should you wish to add that as well!

To begin, I cut a piece of fleece from each bolt, trimming the sides with a rotary cutter to create clean edges while also maximizing the width of the blanket. For reference, the blanket used in these instructions measures approximately 60″ x 80″, the size of a queen mattress.


Once I cut both pieces of fleece, I created a Wisconsin Badger logo that I sewed to the solid red side of the blanket. Refer to the bottom of this post for instructions on how to make your own fleece appliqué! After attaching this logo, I made sure the fleece pieces were perfectly matched (right sides facing out) and began to create fringe for the blanket. I first cut 4″x4″ squares out of each corner, and proceeded to create fringe pieces that were 4″ long and 1.5″ wide, along each side of the blanket. To speed up this process, I placed a piece of blue painter’s tape in a parallel straight line 4″ from each edge of the blanket, and cut through both layers of fleece at once with a rotary cutter.

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As I cut sections of fringe, I created slits through both pieces of fabric in the middle of each 1.5″ piece, at the very top, with an exacto knife. I would recommend creating very small horizontal slits, just wide enough to pull the fabric through, as this will keep your blanket from coming undone and create a uniform border around one side of your blanket, as shown in the picture below. Note that the border is created with whichever fleece pattern is on the bottom, in this case the solid red fleece.

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As I created these slits, I looped both layers of fleece through the the top, as shown below, and pulled the fleece gently through each slit to create a border around the edge. It actually helped to complete the blanket in sections as it kept the fabric pieces lined up (and I was also far too antsy to wait until everything was cut to see how it would look).

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Before I knew it, I had created a custom throw blanket, perfect for fall weather. Create blankets in different patterns and designs for different rooms of the house or for gifts, and if you are feeling really ambitious, follow these instructions to make matching pillows as well!



To create the logo shown above, I used extra red fleece (NOT the piece I had cut for the blanket) and a yard of both black and white fleece. To start, I printed and traced the logo I wanted to recreate on a fresh sheet of paper, and measured the length and width at multiple points of the logo to create accurate proportions. I multiplied these dimensions by four to create a logo that was approximately 2′ x 2′, and carefully cut out the design from the red fleece with a rotary cutter.

Once I had cut the red ‘W’, I placed it on top of the black fleece to cut the same shape, and then pinned them so that the black fleece created a shadow effect. I pinned these to the white background to make the logo pop, and started to sew! Because fleece is stretchy, I used a lot of pins to make sure the logo kept its shape. As shown below, I sewed very close to the edge around the red ‘W’ to create a clean outline, and then sewed the visible black sections to the white background. I also made sure to change the thread color in my sewing machine with each section to match the logo color.

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Once the logo was finished, I attached it to my pre-cut piece of red fleece fabric by sewing along the edge of the white background. Create an appliqué of any shape or size to customize and add texture to your next throw blanket!

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Ribbon Board


How to make a ribbon board:

What you need: Painting canvas, quilt batting, fabric, buttons (small), ribbon (~40 yards), decorative beads (with a flat backing and larger than the buttons), needle and thread, glue gun, staple gun

A ribbon board can be a great gift for any occasion, and you can choose materials to accent any décor. Glue the board into an open frame to add a decorative finish around the edge! Make one for a friend, or make one for your own room or office to display your favorite pictures, invitations, notes, etc – get creative!

Before purchasing your materials, decide on the canvas size that will look best in your space. Once you have done this and have an idea of the color scheme you want to work with, head to your nearest craft store! I would recommend buying your canvas and fabric first so that you can then coordinate the accent décor.

For the ribbon board shown throughout the post, I used a light lavender fabric (kudos to my coworker for knowing his wife’s favorite color!) as the base. To add contrast, I chose dark brown, thin ribbon and flat brown and white disc-shaped beads to attach at the intersection points of the ribbon.


I started by covering the canvas with three layers of batting (use two if you have thicker batting), and securing it to the wooden frame of the canvas using a staple gun. Make sure to pull the batting taut around the edges to create an even surface.

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After ironing the fabric, I again used the staple gun to attach one end to the back of the canvas, and pulled it taut over the batting so that the surface was slightly cushioned but smooth and even. I folded the fabric in at the corners, similar to how you would wrap a present, to create clean edges. Make sure to staple the fabric as flat as possible to the back of the canvas and cut off any excess so that your board can lie flush against a wall.

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Once the base was complete, I started attaching the ribbons. To ensure that each ribbon diamond was uniform in size, I first decided on even increments that fit the size of the canvas. For my 22” x 28” canvas, I measured four increments of 5.5” on the 22” side and five increments of 5.6” on the 28” side, making light pencil marks on the edge of the board to mark these points. I would recommend making your marks between 5″ and 6″ apart so that the board can easily hold pictures, but it’s up to you!


Once the board was marked, I attached each ribbon piece to the back of the board, starting in one corner and making my way to the opposite end. I only used one (large) dot of glue on the back of the canvas to attach each ribbon, and then moved to the other corner to attach ribbons perpendicular to the previous set, creating diamonds. Make sure to buy enough ribbon – you will use more than you expect, as learned from personal experience.

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Before buttoning down the points of intersection, I measured the diamonds to make sure they were the correct size and held them in place using them using sewing pins. Then, I used a needle and thread to attach buttons at each point of intersection through all layers of the board, creating tufts and giving the board texture.

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Once all buttons were secure, my coworker chose a great pattern using brown and white beads, and we glued them directly on top of the buttons. They were the perfect finishing touch to the chic and polished accent piece!

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To hang the board currently displaying all of my favorite pictures and invites in my room, I hammered three thumb tacks into the wall and placed the board on the tacks using the wooden frame of the canvas. I had to add more staples to the back to flatten the batting and fabric, but it’s been on my wall for over a year now, so I must have done something right! Have fun!


Season of Love!

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It’s that time of year again – Valentine’s Day! When, for two months, the seasonal aisle of every drugstore explodes with pink balloons and heart-shaped chocolate boxes can be found in all sizes. Whether you have been dating your significant other for a couple of months or married for years, Valentine’s Day gifts can be tricky. In February, everyone is still recovering from the Christmas gift-buying whirlwind (I know I am), so this is a great holiday to exchange ‘thoughtful’ gifts (and no, that doesn’t mean buying the largest heart-shaped box of chocolates on February 13th…). Although this idea is fun and practical, it can be overwhelming when February hits and you have no idea what to give or make. Lucky for you, I made the mistake of telling my coworkers about this blog of mine, and was immediately bombarded with requests for gift ideas. A few of them insisted that I help them create DIY Valentine’s Day gifts, so I figured I would share my ideas with the rest of you, too!

Those of you who know me are well aware that I am seldom without my Crammera (get it?), so it should come as no surprise that I was set on creating gifts with a photo element. Follow the how-to steps below to create thoughtful and functional DIY gifts that can accent any home and make great gifts for any occasion!



A wine cork board can be the perfect addition to any room, whether it’s the kitchen, living room, or his random room in the house that you try to avoid. And hey, if he doesn’t like it, keep it yourself (or call me, my mom really wants one…). To make the board, use wine corks that you’ve been collecting, or drink up! Just kidding – you can find wine corks at any craft store, and it will still have the same rustic look. Decorate the board with anything you want – pictures, memorabilia from your last trip together, an initial – get creative! If your boyfriend or husband collects bottle caps, glue them around the frame to create the ultimate bar décor.



Guys, if you’ve made it this far, you are probably extremely desperate and need an idea ASAP. A ribbon board is a great gift that can fit the décor of any home, AND you get to use power tools… does a staple gun count? Before buying your materials, try to get a sense of your girlfriend or wife’s style (you should take this time to find out her favorite color, if you haven’t already). Neutral tones are always a safe bet, but feel free to add some flare with the ribbon or buttons. I guarantee that she will be more than impressed with the board alone, but put a few of your favorite pictures on there as well to really seal the deal!

Wine Cork Board

IMG_7258 How to make a cork board out of old wine corks:

What you need: Wine corks (~250 halves for a 22″x28″ board), cork roll, frame, wood glue, sharp razor, steamer (optional, if you want to cut your corks in half)

Have a collection of old wine corks that you just can’t seem to throw away? Don’t worry if you don’t, you can buy them at any craft store… or drink up! Wine cork boards can be a great accent piece for any type of décor – use a wooden frame for a rustic chic look, a white decorative frame to make it more shabby chic, or even a black or metal frame for a more modern look. If you plan to put the cork board in a bar area (you are using wine corks, after all), it could also be fun to glue beer bottle caps around the frame, too!

Before I even touched the wine corks, I prepped my frame by taking the glass out and reattaching the back. Then, I cut a piece of cork out of the roll and glued it into the frame using the wood glue, creating a base. This glue takes a while to set, so I used a few books to hold it in place until it bonded (overnight, if possible). In hindsight, I probably didn’t need to line the frame with cork, but it did add an extra layer of depth to the board, and the wood glue worked well on the porous surface.

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While the glue was drying, I cleaned the corks in a mixture of warm water and dishwashing detergent (use gloves!!) to get rid of any residual wine and also the wine smell. I gently scrubbed each cork in the mixture and rinsed them with cool water before setting them on paper towels to dry.

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Because I wanted to make two cork boards, I had the bright idea to cut the corks in half to create more (after letting the cork dry for a couple of hours). WARNING: Corks are not easy to cut in half. I tried everything – a steak knife, a giant serrated knife, an mini electric saw contraption – you get the idea. But naturally, I was still set on finding a way to do it. After relentlessly searching online, I finally read that steaming the corks would help to soften them, and it worked! I steamed batches of 10 or so in a double broiler for 6 to 10 minutes, and it made the task much more manageable.


Well, it was more a combination of steaming them and calling in reinforcements (a.k.a. Randy Cramm), but since you probably won’t be able to convince him to cut 200 corks again, I would definitely recommend steaming them. Because I wanted the design of each cork to show on both sides, I created a slit where I wanted the cut to be and my dad used a scraper blade to slice through each cork (Crammily assembly line shown below).


If this sounds far too complicated, remember that you can make your board with full corks as well, and it will look just as great! If you do decide to use full corks, I would recommend using a shallow shadow box versus a frame so that the corks don’t protrude too much.

Once all of my corks were cut and dry, I started to assemble a pattern in the frame. I wanted to keep each pair of corks together, so I placed the first set of corks in the middle of the frame and worked off of that. For the board on the left, I set the corks at a 45 degree angle to contrast the lines of the frames, and followed the same pattern until I reached the edge of the board (there were a lot of gaps because of the angles). For the cork board on the right, my friend Sofia created a more linear pattern, and even used the tops of some of the corks to add some flare around the border!


Once the corks were set in the desired pattern, I started to glue them down. I picked them up in sets of four to six, put a pool of wood glue directly on the cork board base, and then set the corks back into the pattern. Use a generous amount of glue!


Once all corks were glued in place, I worked to fill in the gaps on the edges. I continued the same pattern used throughout the rest of the board, and marked in pen where the cork met with the border of the frame. Using the scraper, I cut each cork to fit like a puzzle (also one of my favorite things) into the frame. I was able to use some corks to create multiple pieces, but I did need to cut more corks to fit the crevices in the angled pattern than in the more linear pattern. Both turned out great!

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Once the cork boards were finished, I put a couple of books on top of them to help bond the wood glue and let them sit overnight. Well, with the second one at least. I made the mistake of tilting the first one upright too soon, causing a lovely trail of wood glue to seep down the back of the frame. Rookie mistake!

If you want to get really fancy, you can even create your own tacks using decorative beads, a little super glue, and some plain tacks. Simply put a dot of glue on the bead and attach the tack to create decorative tacks in minutes!IMG_7256

Pin a couple of pictures and/or a monogrammed letter to the board to make the perfect personalized gift, or use the corks that you’ve been saving in a jar to create a great accent piece for your home! It can also make a great housewarming gift (especially if you use the new homeowners’ corks to make it… Thanks, Ed and Mal!). Try different patterns to find what works best for you, and enjoy!